Phone: 503-257-0162
Teamsters Local 162
Grievance Handling - Importance Notice and Forms


Who:              Who is involved in the grievance? Name(s), facility, shift, seniority date, job classification, etc. 

What:             What happened? Seniority violation, subcontracting, supervisors working, etc?

When:            Dates and times?  

Where:           Where did the infraction take place?  Location, department or area.

Why:               Is it a violation of the collective bargaining agreement or law?

       Is it a violation of a long established past practice recognized by both the Union and the Employer?

       Is it disparate treatment compared to the way other employees are treated? 

How:               What is the remedy you are seeking to resolve the grievance. 


If your grievance is protesting discipline attach a copy of the letter(s) to your grievance when submitting to Local 162.  

Your grievance report must be submitted in person, by US Mail or by fax.  If mailed or fax call Local 162 to confirm receipt.  No emails.  

It is the member’s responsibility to file and turn in a grievance in a timely manner.  Do not give it to another member or a shop steward to turn in for you – it is your responsibility. 

Every contract has different time limits for filing a grievance, so it is important you are timely and that you call Local 162 if you have any questions concerning the time limits in your contract. 

Grievance forms are available under the "Downloads" section of our website or in person at Local 162. 

Page Last Updated: Jul 09, 2024 (12:33:34)
Contact Info
Teamsters Local 162
1850 NE 162nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230

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