Phone: 503-257-0162
Teamsters Local 162
About Us
Updated On: Mar 21, 2023
Secretary-Treasurer Bob Sleight and President Mark Davison

Proud to be a Teamster

Teamsters Local 162 is a democratic trade union established in 1903 in Portland, Oregon, by wagon drivers who joined together for better hours and working conditions.   Those early Teamsters and the labor movement as a whole fought the early battles for the 8 hour work day, the weekend, overtime compensation and workplace safety.  Future generations of Teamsters ushered in the era of pensions and health care for workers.  The Teamsters Union is proud of our role as a strong voice in the American workplace and while we strive to protect our hard fought gains we are always looking to improve upon them.    

Local 162 has an experienced group of full-time officers and legal team that administrate, negotiate and enforce Collective Bargaining Agreements on behalf of over 5,100 active Local 162 members working for employers in the private sector.  We represent workers in the freight industry, package delivery, intermodal, soft drink and beer, food distribution, construction, manufacturing, grocery and general warehousing and trucking.  If you bought it in the Portland area there is a good chance at one point it was handled or delivered by a Teamsters Local 162 member. 

What we do is simple.  Represent our members to the fullest.  Expand our membership by organizing the unorganized.  And stay active in the political arena, because what we gain at the bargaining table can be taken away by the stroke of a politician’s pen.

We are affiliated with Joint Council of Teamsters No. 37 based in Portland, Oregon, and are one of more than 400 Teamsters Local’s affiliated with the 1.3 million member strong International Brotherhood of Teamsters headquartered in Washington D.C.

In Solidarity,

Bob Sleight, Secretary Treasurer               Mark Davison, President

Contact Info
Teamsters Local 162
1850 NE 162nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230

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